If you can be anything in the world... Be Kind!!!
On this week's episode Mrs. Scofield and Mr. Lane the STEM Guy talk about the importance of small acts of kindness that have an enormous impact on others. This past week our planet lost one of the kindest souls (Emery Csikesz). It is with a sad heart that we share Mrs. Scofield had to say goodbye to her dad this past week. In this episode of The Nailed It Wall, Mrs. Scofield shares some uplifting stories about her dad that range from summer karaoke parties to providing John Cena acting advice on the set of Playing with Fire. This week's podcast celebrates the life of Mrs. Scofield's father, and how he made other people feel. We hope you enjoy the stories, impact, and life lessons of Emery Csikesz's life. If you can be anything... Be Kind!!!