
Mrs. Scofield and Mr. Lane the STEM Guy both have an affinity for getting lost even with Google Maps leading the way. Don't ask us how a girl from California and a kid from Maine found their final destination in Arizona? After years of being lost on the Podcast highway it seems they have finally found their exit and figured this whole podcasting thing out (two can only hope). Come and join them as they get lost in the world of #edtech, a little thing called life, and the two of them basically nailing it all along the way (good and bad). Mrs. Scofield likens herself to Poppy from Trolls in the human form. Playing music and giving hugs out at carpool, high fiving EVERY student as they walk into her class, and teaching with such positive energy (@apositiveproton follow her on Twitter) that it has created a culture where learning has become contagious. Developing authentic relationships with students is the very heart of her classroom allowing her to help students find their strengths and true and abundant potential. Mrs. Scofield created an all-girls middle school year long after school program dubbed The Moxie Girls! The mission of this program "is to get to the girls before the streotype gets to them." This program is about to enter its fourth year. Mrs. Scofield is all a Google Certified Educator Level 1 and Level 2. She is also a Google Certieid Trainer and co-leads her districts Google Certification classes for teachers K-12. Keeping with her Poppy mentality she always has her eyes set on the next big prize. Her ultimte goal is to become a Google Certified Innovator. Mr. Lane the STEM Guy loves all things technology related. He runs our schools Maker Space and is always looking for ways to push his students forward with the Design Thinking process. Mr. Lane creates an atmosphere/culture where failure is celebrated and encourages students to take risks. He loves coding, app development, robots, and drones. If it has anything to do with tech you know he wants to add it Maker Space for the sake of his students. As a teacher he fouceses on incorporationg all of the soft skills (Problem Solving, Perseverance, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity) into all of his lessons. These are skills that all of the top Tech Companies are looking for, but the students of today lack even upon graduation from college. Mr. Lane has two words that can never be spoken in his class (can't and impossible). Those are bad words in his world and they could get you sent to the principal's office in his class. Mr. Lane the STEM Guy is a Google Certified Educator Level 1 and Level 2. He is also a certified Google Trainer and has his sights set on becoming a Google Certified Innovator. Mr. Lane is also a Microsoft Innovative Educator and Project Lead the Way Launch Teacher. Mr. Lane loves 3d printing and is also a MakerBot Operator and MakerBot Curriculum Creator. Mr. Lane the STEM Guy lives by Mitchel Resnick's (founder of Scratch) rules for the classroom (Projects, Peers, Passion, and Play). If you know Mr. Lane the STEM Guy you obviously know which one of these P's is his favorite. He often says he has the greatest job on the planet because he gets to PLAY all day!
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