The Year of the Student Voice (Maybe Decade)

On this week's episode of The Nailed It Wall, Mrs. Scofield and Mr. Lane the STEM Guy talk about the power of the student voice. This week they also talk about how students are using social media for positive change, student voice via podcasting, and a call for drastic measures in terms of climate change. Mrs. Scofield rolled out Astro Camp to the 8th graders and they basically lost their minds. Together they are putting their own spin on the Sierra Verde announcements and the students and staff have been loving them. Mrs. Scofield looks back on the past two weeks of Moxie Girls and how much she absolutely loves these girls. This is another episode packed full of hilarious stories, anecdotes, and words to live by. You do not want to the only person by the water cooler who hasn't heard the latest episode of The Nailed It Wall.
The Year of the Student Voice (Maybe Decade)
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