Almost a Day Late (Details, Details, and Details) #EDUdrone Conference
On this week's episode Mrs. Scofield and Mr. Lane the STEM Guy share their hilarious story how they almost showed up to an online conference a day late (Good Day Mate). Mrs. Scofield tells us about her chaotic morning where her dog Blue got out and her neighbor rescued him. This week Mrs. Scofield and Mr. Lane also talk about the amazing people they presented with for the SheMaps AU #EDUdrone conference and the rush they get when they share their story with others around the world. Ryan Scientist (Mr. Lane's son) makes his first appearance on The Nailed It Wall as he talks about 1st grade, LEGOs, and the Titanic. Don't miss the podcast that will improve your life expectancy ten fold. The fine print says we cannot guarantee that and our legal team says there is not enough research to substantiate these claims. Do us all a favor subscribe and listen!