Next Steps with Mr. Galietti
This week on The Nailed It Wall Mrs. Scofield and Mr. Lane the STEM Guy sit down with our principal Mr. Galietti to talk about what are the next steps for parents, our district, and moving forward as a community united. There were certainly some real highlights this past week as our community came together as best as we could (social distancing) in these trying times. The three of them talk about the social emotional health of students, teachers, and parents. They share some hilarious stories (Mrs. Scofield locked herself out of her iPad), some parent stories (Luka, Mr. Galietti's son has not demolished his house as of this recording), and what is the hardest thing through all of this... not having students fill our classrooms (Mrs. Scofield shares what it was like to return to her classroom). This week is Virtual Spirit Week at Sierra Verde!!! We hope you enjoy our stories, our message, and our own hurdles we are facing as educators and parents.