Bringing the Poppi Positivity Back to Social Media

This week on The Nailed It Wall Mrs. Scofield and Mr. Lane the STEM Guy share some inspiring stories about their students via Zoom (1st Graders on FlipGrid, Google Slides Stop Motion Projects, greeting students upon entering Zooms, and the power of music). They also address the dark turn social media has taken on education, educator vs. educator battles, and all that they love about Twitter. Find out what it means to step in doo doo and what is Responsible Gaming. Seriously, where can you get doo doo analogies and listen to educators yearn for all of the positive creativity that social media once provided? A candid heartfelt episode where our hosts hope our educators can lead by example when engaging online. As Mrs. Scofield thinks back on her days working at Blockbuster "Be Kind and Rewind." There is now rewind button on what you put on social media so always "Be Kind Online."
Bringing the Poppi Positivity Back to Social Media
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